May 25, 2008

Cell phone email problems

Ian and I went back to the place where we walked last Sunday. This time we stopped at the temple, which is said to have been started by Kobo Daishi, who is the same monk who started the Henro trips around Shikoku. We explored the temple and an attached Shinto shrine (there was not clear division between the two). We then continued down the canalside path that we followed last week until we came to a large kofun ( a grave mound, most of which are at least 1500 years old). We climbed up to the top and found that it was key hole shaped, which means that it came from the last stage of the kofun culture. Early mounds were round, then the added a platform extending from one side, and finally they broadened the outside end. We then walked west into the foothills, finally turning north then east to get back to a different station on the train line.

I took some pictures in the temple which I had intended to post here, but for some reason the emails are being sent but not arriving at my home computer. Hopefully I will be able to figure out what is going wrong and eventually post the pictures.

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