Jan 18, 2010

Ian's Photos 10

This is a hexagonal building holding a statue of a warrior king. This sort of building always has the door shut so that you can not see what is inside. I believe that they only open them when they have a ceremony of some sort.
This show more of the temple grounds. Notice the stone structure on the extreme left. It is a representation of a 13-story pagoda. The yellow marks at the bottom are the lines dividing up parking spaces and the small building in the middle is a telephone booth. Because of the general usage of cell phones, public telephone booths are becoming a thing of the past.
Another building on the grounds. I think that we may have chanted the Heart Sutra at this one.
Here is that stone pagoda again, except this time it is on the right. The building in the center is the main hall and we definitely chanted there.
The flat area on the right is the remains of the foundation of the original main hall of the temple. It was struck by lightening and burned down a long time ago, but some people still chant in front of it. The newer main hall is off to the left.

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