Aug 15, 2010

Sendai Station and then walking home 07

This is more of the area near Ian's office. I know that he does not work in this building. He works somewhere deeper into the compound.This is just a little further up the road, looking back toward the site of the previous pictures. In spite of all the trees, this is the main road between the area where I live and downtown Sendai. There are other possible routes but they are at least two or three times as long.
This is across the street from the last picture. It shows what I think are dormitories for the foreign students who attend Tohoku University. There are a large number of them and used to have many in my classes when I taught there. Most of them are Chinese, from southeast Asia, or from eastern Europe.
Some one keeps this row of planters on the fence around the foreign students' dorm. Even in winter when the ground is covered with snow, there are brightly blooming flowers along here.

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