Mar 1, 2010

Ian's photos 33

After spending hours in a coffee shop (having lunch as well as coffee), we walk over to the next temple. It was up on the side of a hill. As we approached we could see a structure on the hill, which we later discovered was simply a gate in the middle of a flight of stairs.
The gate allowing entrance to the grounds was on a main road and we had to wait for a very long traffic light to change.
Often the approaches to large temples (and Shinto shrines, for that matter) will be lined with shops sell food and souvenirs. The food shops were all closed. It looked like they were only open on weekends at this time of year. This was taken from the sidewalk after we had crossed the road. You can see the gate in the foreground and the strange structure on the hill in the upper right. In between the roofs of the various temple buildings are visible.
We saw many of these giant straw sandals during our pilgrimage. This one was very impressive and in very good repair.

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