Jul 9, 2008

Rainy season blues

The rainy season is here in full force. The sun has gone on vacation so all we get is rain and fog. Because of the terrain, Sendai does not get as much rain as the surrounding areas, but we certainly get the fog. The humidity remains so close to 100% that the difference does not matter. Go outside and walk for a few minutes and your clothing becomes damp from the moisture in the air.

During the day it is fairly hot, but it cools off at night. Not that this helps, because the humidity stays high.

This year, of course, we have the baby to keep us amused, so it is emotionally much better than most years. Also, for me this is the time when classes are winding down and I am preparing exams and doing grading. One more thing is keeping up my spirits this year as compared to other years. My new telephone has built in audio and I have been downloading lectures about Buddhism - to get my mind in the right place for the trip next year.

There is one thing that actually keeps us going: the rainy season will be over in two or three more weeks and then we will have a few months of hot, sunny weather - and I will be on vacation.

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