Jul 6, 2011

At Miyagi Gakuin U and then going home

 This is the first floor hallway in one of the classroom buildings at Miyagi Gakuin U. There are some very nice oil paintings here. The only problem is that the hall is long and narrow so it is difficult to get good views of the pictures.
 This is the prep room for one of the language labs. I have a mailbox here and also a plastic basket in which I can leave things so I do not have to carry everything home.
 This is the doorway to the room where the graduate students in Japanese have desks. All the other rooms have grills which act as air vents, but this room has two layers of cardboard with these two odd sized holes. I am very curious as to their purpose.

 The work on the air conditioners in the apartment building beside the river was still going on. I was very surprised at how long it took. There must have been more damage than I thought.
 On Fridays, I usually have lunch with my friend Keith. We eat in the faculty dining room at Miyagi Gakuin U. This little bowl was on the table to hold toothpicks (in the white paper containers). I thought the little frog was cute.
As the return bus pulls into the Asahigaoka Bus Depot, there is a terrible bump which some of the drivers seem to ignore, cause a real thump. The bump can be seen here. During the earthquakes, the road on the right sank about 10 centimeters compared to the section on the left. A reminder that we will be experiencing such  problem for many years to come.

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