Jul 2, 2011

Shinrin Park

 This hole in the walking path has been this way since the first time I went to the park after the quakes. I suspect that it will remain this way for a long time. The disaster has caused so much disruption to the budget that there will be little money for fixing up a park while there is still major damage to whole cities along the coast.
 Walking in the park is peaceful and beautiful. If you go early in the morning, there are few people and you tend to see the same people each time. Friendly greetings are the order of the day and that pleasantness works in concert with the environment to make this a wonderful start to the day. Once I stop working next year, I think that I may go there more often.
 On the way back to Kita Sendai, we usually have to stop for a traffic light where we cross the main road into Sendai. It is the same road that goes through Izumi Chuo. The building in the middle looks very southern European (I have shown pictures of it before). The gray tarps are covering a pedestrian bridge that was damaged during the quakes and is now under reconstruction. I am not surprised that this one had problems, because it was very old and looked like it might fall down without any extra help, although it was still in regular use.
 On the back roads again, we saw this concrete block wall that had collapsed and had not been repaired (yet?)
 Almost back to Kita Sendai, we passed the gate into a Buddhist temple. This gate is at the top of a flight of stairs. One of these days I will have to stop and enter the grounds.
A little closer to our goal (the Mr Donuts at Kita Sendai, where we will have coffee and donuts before going to work),  this old style home seems to have weathered the tremors without serious problem.

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