Jul 27, 2009

Day 7 - Into the woods again

A memorial to a supporter of Buddhism in the form of a book. We found this beside the building in the last entry with photos.
This building was sitting by itself. Each upright on the fence has the name of a person who donated money for the construction of the site. It is assume that such donations will earn the person merit that will benefit them in either this life or a future life. I find the idea of rebirths a bit hard to swallow (reincarnation is different and not a Buddhist thought). However, I am apparently in good company. A recent survey of Buddhist priests in Japan found that something like 80% of them did not accept the idea of rebirth.
A little building beside a steep down slope that we almost slid down, without the stairs we probably would have slid all the way to the bottom. Sorry for the fuzziness! I think the lens was wet.
I don't remember whether we were coming down or going up this slope, however, we were still descending from the temple toward the valley floor so it was probably down, but there plenty of places where we had to go up before going down.
As usual the picture does not convey the steepness of the slope, but this was one of the steeper places. After walking down the stairs for 30 minutes or more, my legs became so tired that they were quivering. I don't know which was worse - going up or coming down again.

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