Feb 25, 2010

Ian's photos 30

The Henro Trail crossed the railroad tracks a number of times. This is one of the crossings. On the extreme right you can just see the ocean.
During the day we saw a single train pass us. I can not tell if it was one car or two, but it was quite short in any case. Since there are not the vast numbers of people that you get in the areas around the big cities, most of the local trains are only a car or two long.
The next picture is me getting ready to attack my evening meal. The large covered bowl on the left is rice. We almost always at everything they gave us and sometimes asked for more rice. Both Ian and I gained weight in spite of the large amount of exercise that we were doing. If the scales in the various lodges were anywhere near accurate. I gained around 7 kilograms (about 10% of my body weight) during the first two weeks and then lost a couple during the third week. I think that if we had done the entire circuit, I would have lost 7 to 10 kilograms. As we got more used to the daily routine, our appetites seemed to decrease.
This shows the remains of Ian's meal just before he ate his desert, a large strawberry and a small piece of watermelon. Most of the lodges tried very hard to serve good meals, tasty with enough calories for the walkers.

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