May 11, 2013

Ama Jinja

 Ama Jinja is unusual because it has no walls, other than those around the altar itself. They must use the open floor for a ceremony or festival of some kind.
Up under the eaves there are some old, faded pictures. This one almost looks Christian. I will have to go back on another day and study it closely.
 Continuing on for another half kilometer or so, I came to another jinji. This one was also called Ama Jinja with only place name, Jiroku, at the beginning different. Or maybe this is the Kifune Jinja. I did not notice at the time but there are two jinjas on the map, so close that it is not clear which is which. I will have to go back to the area and look around again.
This sort of large, scooped out stone pool is very common here, but I do not remember seeing in Sendai. Again I will have to keep this in mind and try to find out what the implications are.

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