Nov 10, 2013

At Hozenji

 Since yesterday I have done some research and found that this temple is called Hozenji and that it belongs to the Jodoshinshu sect. This means that this statue most likely represents Shinran, the Buddhist priest who founded the sect. Jodoshinshu is a Buddhist sect that says that the mindful vocalization of the phrase Namu Amida Butsu ("I take refuge in Amida Buddha") is enough for the practitioner to enter the Pure Land, a kind of heaven.
 I left the little door and and followed the road around the temple. On the other side I found this entrance gate. It is quite unusual as the temple bell is on the second floor of the gate. I assume they did this because the grounds are very small.

A quick look inside revealed that there was little to see. The statue of Shinran was out of the picture to the left. There were no gardens or other statues. I decided to leave and go in search of the second shrine that was supposed to be in the area.

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