Oct 12, 2010

Dou'unji - Cave Cloud Temple 12

Continuing on the road that follows the base of the cliff, I turned a corner and discovered a man-made cave. It is tall enough to sit upright in and for at least a thousand years was used for meditation.Here is a telephoto shot of the cave. You can just see the rear wall. The floor seems to be more or less square and it is big enough to hold more than one person. Some types of meditation are best done alone, but other can be improved by being near other people, particularly people who are more experienced than you. Meditating in a room by yourself (which is what I do now) and meditation in a room with 100 or so people is very different. You can sort of feed off the vibes given off by the others.

Here you can get a sense of the height of the cave. The plaque, attached to the stone face and directly below the center of the cave, is about chest high on me.
Below the plaque there is a row of alcoves chiseled out of the rock. There held either statues or candles. I am not sure which. Or maybe they held both at different times. The building you can just see on the right is the residence for the priest.

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