Apr 19, 2013

My first real walk - along the riverside

 Just after one of the main construction sites, I found a paved path down to almost the level of the river. I had been walking along a paved path along the top of the levee. I walked down to the bottom and then turned and walked back so I exited the picture at the bottom left.
 A little further on, I found this very pretty waterfall where a smaller stream entered the main river.
 Notice the trees on the right. They have had the tops cut off so the trucks end abruptly. This is very common in Japan. However, it is usually done to keep the branches from interfering with the power and telephone lines. Here it is probably to keep the roots from spreading out and damaging the paved surface of the bank.
 Just before the bridge on the left in the previous picture, I saw this dog. I could not see its master but it was tied to a long rope. When I got up on the bridge, I say the master. He was standing on some large stones, making a deeper waterway by throwing some of the smaller stones away from the riverbed.
 At the end of the bridge there was a stele, but it was so old that I could not read the writing carved into it.
I crossed the main road and started up into the hills on a side road. This house is typical of houses in the area - quite large and perched on the side of a steep hill.

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