Jun 27, 2010

Oushuu33Kannon Temples 4-5 Part 20

Ian and I missed the garden on our way to the temple because we were looking at the stuff on the other side of the road. Also it was a bit hard to see because of the angles. However, on the way back we had a really good view of this garden. It was huge, running from the road to the top of the hill but most of it was behind a house.We missed this on the way out because we were on the other side of the road and were concerned about where to go - there is an intersection with a light just beyond the building on the right. This was a dentist's office and the owner had written his name in bricks. The three groups of bricks are three separate kanji, spelling out his full name: Kojima Tadashi.
Nearing the station, we were in a flat farm area again.
The station was just around the next bend and behind the low tree covered hill. Walking was pleasant and easy but not particularly interesting. That is, there was nothing much to see.

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