Jun 4, 2010

Oushuu33Kannon Temples 4-5 Part 3

Ian and I walked along the road that leads up into the hills. There was not much on it but at one place there was a large, newly constructed intersection with the only traffic light we saw.There was a beautiful stand of cherry trees in full bloom on one of the hills we passed.
As we continued, we started seeing scattered cherry trees that were either in full bloom or nearly there. If the sun had come out, they would have been truly impressive but the sun stayed home behind the dark clouds, so the colors were a bit washed out.
Further into the hills, we found a place where our map and the ground differed a bit. The reason was this newly constructed river bed and a new bridge to replace the old one that had been just on the other side of the site
In the yard behind one of the houses we saw a very nice shrine, accompanied by a baby shrine.

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