Jun 10, 2010

Oushuu33Kannon Temples 4-5 Part 7

The paved road continued up hill and there was nothing but woods around us. The red sign marks a path through the park, and it supposedly allows you access to the temple. After stopping and thinking about it Ian and decided that we would be better off sticking to the road. Trails in the woods are often not well marked, and although we were not worried about find our way out of the park and back to the station, we thought that finding the temple might be a bit chancy.This road looked like it would be an excellent place to gather firewood. We saw a lot of fallen trees that had already dried out.
All of a sudden the trees thinned out and we thought that we were probably getting near the temple.
This suspicion was reinforced when we saw this treeless but landscaped hillside. We thought that at any moment we would see the main gate into the temple.

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