Jul 26, 2012

Some earthquake repairs and another walk

 This is the all in the men's room at the ward office. Some months ago I showed this wall. At the time it was a mass of cracks. Now, as you can see, they have repaired it.
 This is along the river next to my condo. The construction project to fix the damaged riverbank is in full swing.
At the moment they are still working on the coffer dam. Eventually they will fix the concrete bank. This is obviously not a high priority project, because on many days they do not do any work at all. I suspect that there is a budgetary limit on how many day workers can be employed each day, so if some other project needs a lot of workers for the day, no one comes here.

I walked south from my condo and got lost again. This time I did not bring a map with me so there was no chance of finding exactly where I was. I never worry when this happens, because if I keep wandering around, I will (read 'must') eventually come out at a place I recognize. This time the road I was on ended in a flight of stairs, so I went up and found a park. This is a close up of the 'path'.
 There were some interesting stelae hidden off in a corner. I was particularly taken by the one with the hole.
In the other direction was a gazebo. There was no one else around but from the look of the ground, the area is well used.

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