May 26, 2010

Oushuu33Kannon Temples 11-12-13 Part 22

Today, Wednesday, Ian and I were planning to walk before work, however, the rain is coming down in proverbial buckets so we canceled and will try again next week. Now back to the Oushuu 33 Kannon pilgrimage. We were in a town and right in the middle we found a Shinto shrine. As usual on a pilgrimage we did not have time to explore.We continued down the same street and entered what appeared to be the business area. We were stopped by a woman who thought we were lost because I was checking map for the shortest route to the next temple. The woman told us that the building at the end of the street (the one with the tower) was the old city hall.
We left the city center and then had to cross a main highway. This building, the white one with a low tower, was extremely interesting and like nothing I had ever seen before. It is the entrance/exit for a tunnel under the road. We crossed at the zebra crossing, but we could have gone underground and not waited for the lights.
We finally reach Temple #13 at the far end of a very nice public park. We had to walk by the housing for the priest and then past a little shrine.
The next picture is a close up of the little shrine. The door was locked and there were no signs so I have no idea what was in it.

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