May 31, 2010

Oushuu33Kannon Temples 11-12-13 Part 25

Here is another view of the empty building from the last post. As I said, it will make a good subject for a picture.

As we walked back toward the station, we found a field of flowers. I do not know their name but we see them everywhere. However, they are normally found in small bunches with only a half dozen or so flower. These covered a large area and were quite impressive.In front of the train station was a statue of a woman, nicely done but in need of a better background.

We entered the station, bought our tickets and crossed over the tracks to the platform from which we would catch a train back to Sendai. This station, by the way, is quite typical of those along this train line.
After waiting half an hour or so, we got a train that took us back to Sendai Station and from there Ian and I each went our separate ways - the end of another Sunday leg on our walking pilgrimage.

In the next post, I will started showing our trip to stops 4 and 5 on the Oushuu 33 Kannon Pilgrimage.

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