May 29, 2010

Oushuu33Kannon Temples 11-12-13 Part 24

As is my practice, I stuck my camera up to an open space in the door and took a picture of the inside of the shrine at the top of the stairs. The statue of Kannon is mostly hidden under the curtains. It is interesting that in most of Asia, especially southeast Asia, one of the Buddhist precepts (rules) is no drinking. However, the object to the right of the statue and level with it is a keg of Japanese sake. Also on New Years this year, I was served a large glass of sake at our local temple.On the post beside the door, we found these little doll-like things. I think they are supposed to represent monkeys, but please do not ask me why there would be monkeys hanging beside the entrance to a Buddhist shrine.
We left the temple and headed for the nearest train station for the ride back to Sendai. The route we took was quite scenic. This is one of the more interesting places.
A little further on we passed the empty building. I think it will make a nice picture when done in ink and graphite.

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