Oct 2, 2012

Still near the ocean

 I started walking parallel to the beach, which I count not reach without a long detour. This area had been completely wiped out by the tsunami. All that remained of this home was the concrete foundation and the few pieces of wood that you can see.
 Here the concrete front wall of the property had not protected the building and was badly damaged itself.
 I was now directly opposite the shrine that I showed yesterday and the canal was still between me and it. From my point of view, everything over there looked new and temporary.
 Further along I came to this little graveyard. One thing to remember about Japanese graveyards is that they do not contain bodies. They are a memorial to the dead and at most might contain some of the deceased ashes. The dead in Japan are cremated, not buried.
 Still further along, I came to a huge pile of steel reinforcement rods. It is five or six meters high.
I had now turned inland again. This factory had had the first floor washed away as the tsunami ripped it ways through the area.

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