Oct 18, 2012


 Leaving the station we crossed a bridge over the river, and then turned right, heading for the entrance to the temple complex.
 The first place where you can leave the street and get close is by going through this torii, which leads to a Shinto shrine along the actual approach road.
 We decided to enter at the official entrance, this flight of stairs according to the stele.
 Half way up the stairs we stopped and entered a shop selling pottery. Some of it was nice, but I saw nothing I wanted to buy.
 The buildings were too numerous to keep track of so I am not even going to try to name them. I am sure that I could figure it out if I had to, but it looks like it would take a huge amount of work. Sorry. This was the first building and it housed a Buddhist altar. The little roofed area in front is for burning incense.
My wife and I gave an offering of incense, fanning the smoke over our bodies. The smoke for incense burned in front of a temple is supposed to have some healing value.

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