Nov 15, 2012

The market and then on to Hachiman Jinja

 Some of the stores in the market were quite large and there was a wide variety of products for sale.
 Baskets of fish.
 Gradually the street filled with shoppers and it became quite busy.
 We left the market and took a bus to Hachiman Jinja, the shrine of the Shinto god Hachiman. This is the huge torii at the shrine entrance. The bus let us off on the wrong side of the road so we had to walk to the next intersection to cross at the traffic lights.
 On the way to the corner we passed a store with an interesting customer.
After passing through the large red torii, there was a second large torii but this one was made of stone. In the distance you can see a flight of stairs that lead up to the shrine proper.

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