Jun 12, 2014

Art Box and other places

 Art Box is the best art store in the area. Apparently my teacher has some classes in a room on their third floor, but they are more expensive and much farther away so I won't consider them. However, I will occasionally go there to buy supplies.
 This is what I bought. The paints are high quality watercolors and cost about US$50. The three brushes are pretty good quality and cost about the same.

I decided that I would walk home. It was only around 6 to 8 kilometers depending on the roads.
 I passed this shop, bustle, which is a great name even without a capital letter. The sign is quite interesting. The top line says hair room and the bottom line says bustle for nail.
 This building was a little strange. Behind the barricade on the second floor balcony there is a row of trees, which I assume are growing in pots.

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