Jun 4, 2011

More at Miyagi Gakuin U

 While they do have traditional power lawn mowers, the kind you sit on, they are often not used because most lawns are not flat enough. Here at Miyagi Gakuin U. a man is working on the lawn with the much more common tool, a weed whacker.
 More blue tarps, but this time it is inside a little room on the first floor of the building containing the faculty dinning room. I do not know what this room was originally designed to be. Maybe it was a faculty office at some time in the past. Most universities include a sink in each teacher's office. 'Real' teachers are expected to put copious notes on the board for the students to copy into notebooks. This means the generation of lots of chalk dust, which in turn means that the teacher's hands must be washed after every class. I should point out that I seldom use the blackboard (now generally greenboards), because I want the students to listen to what I say, not read what I write. If I want them to read something, I prepare it in advance and use handouts.
 I teach two classes a week in computer labs. I had some problems during the first week because a last minute increase in class size meant that there were more students than computers in the room I was assigned. After some hassle, I was given a new room and when I entered I discovered this row of monitors against the back wall of the room.
 This is the students working on the computers. The computer rooms always have whiteboards because the chalk dust can damage the computers.
When I arrived back at my home, I saw that the police were practicing on their motorcycles. This area is directly across the narrow road that passes the front of our complex.

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