Dec 17, 2010

Another art show 04

My duties as a receptionist for the show over, I started home and took this picture from the street as I left.To get to the subway, I had to walk through about a kilometer long shopping arcade. It was decorate with very nice Christmas and New Years lights.
A little nearer the subway station, there was a large torii (hard to see but it is the red structure in the middle). Since the Japanese are not very religious but rather just enjoy a celebration, they mix Western and Oriental, Christmas and traditional New Years. The effect is actually very nice.
The entrance that I usually take to the subway goes through a department store. On this night they had a display of part of a crystal floor lamp that had been made for the Romanov's but never delivered. The bottom, which the sign said was as tall as this part (almost three meters), is missing. The sign also said that the original cost of this part was about 2,000,000 dollars. Originally it was designed to hold candles but it has now been fitted with electric lights.

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