Dec 6, 2010

Near my home 18

The reddish building in the center contains the theaters and an amusement center.
Across the street from where I stood to take the above picture is a large chain electronics store called Yamada. We bought our refrigerator there, but I buy all my electronics stuff from a store near Sendai Station. It gives more points for most of the kinds of things that I buy.
Across from the movies is a shopping center. Masayo and I decided to wait there for a while before going into the theater. In the theater there is an incredible amount of noise, the games from the amusement center, music, and previews of coming movies all going on at once.
On nice thing about Japan, English is considered to be classy so most stores use a lot of English on their signs. Here is the front of the theater. I guess you can tell what they have. I always wonder how much the average Japanese understands. Finding out would make a good research project for some MA student or a permanent faculty member who needs to publish or perish.

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