Dec 2, 2010

Near my home 15

After I climbed the stairs to the street level and started walking through the access area to the gates, I discovered this row of pylons.A little further on, I found out why they were there. Vegalta, the Sendai pro soccer team, were having a game that afternoon and this would be the line for the non-reserved seats. People had come and taped a piece of plastic or a towel to the ground to hold a place in line. The white sign on the right says that this is the end of the line for the 'free seats'. It will be carried by one of the guards. The sign on the wall says that this is the East Entrance. I usually go in the North Entrance.
Once by the 'free seat' line, I came to the line for the supporters. These are the crazy people who wear team uniforms and make a lot of organized noise. There are many more of them than for the 'free seats' which are in a small section at the south end of the stadium.
This is the north end of the statium and the protruding roof covers the North Entrance. The dome on the right is part of a science museum (I have never been there so I can not say anything about it).

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