Mar 23, 2012

In Kanazawa

 After eating, we had a reservation to tour a temple. It is called ninjadera, or ninja temple, but it has nothing to do with ninja. I will explain the name in a future post. The parking lot for the temple was actual on the grounds of another temple. This temple had a very impressive red railing between the temple and the parking lot. Tour buses also park here.
 The temple gate is still there but the walls on each side have been removed and replaced by paved driveways. We left the car and the keys in the temple office and left the grounds, following signs to the left and then to the left again.
 We passed this souvenir shop but did not go in.
 And then passed another.
 We finally reached ninjadera and found it to be very unimpressive. It looked like just another neighborhood temple and the grounds were very small. It was obvious why we had to park at the other temple.
The temple gate was just an abstract representation of a gate, although there were doors. Again it was not at all impressive.

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