Mar 16, 2012


I must apologize. Yesterday I was interrupted before finishing adding notes to the pictures, so today I went back and added them. Therefore, if you are interested, you might go back and read the notes.

 One of the interesting features of the park is that there is a winding stream that is laid out on one side of the pond. This stream is set up so that there is a natural current in it. I could not figure out where the water came from, but there are no mechanisms involved - the park is hundreds of years old. The pyramid-like objects are made from a pole and ropes. They protect the trees from the heavy snow.
 No matter what direction you looked in, the park was (is) beautiful.
 This tree is support by wooden poles that rise out of the stream.
 On one side of the park, you can look out over the city of Kanazawa. Of course, when it is snowing this hard, you can not see much of the city.
I thought that this looked like a black and white photo of a cherry tree just beginning to bloom.
This small group of large trees had a stone pagoda, mixed in among the trunks.
The same pagoda but from a different angel.
Another tree that has branches spreading so far from the trunk that they must be supported. These trees are very old and reminded me of bonsai, but they were full size rather than miniature.

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