Apr 14, 2012


 This was my goal for the day and the first temple I visited as part of my plan to photograph all the temples and shrines in Sendai. This is a Tendai-shu sect temple called sendake-in. The character sen refers to a mountain aesthetic, dake to a mountain peak, and in to an institution. The character in is frequently added to the end of a name or phrase, for example, jiin where ji is a temple and in an institution. This term refers to temples, schools, hospitals, government offices, and many other institutions. This is the main entrance gate that allows entry directly from the sidewalk.
 The sign on the right says tendai-shu at the top and below in larger characters is sendake-in.
 Immediately inside the gate on the right are these three bas-relief statues of either Buddhas or Bodhisattvas.
 A little further into the grounds I found this row of bas-relief statues. Again I do not know who they represent.
 At the end of the short walkway, there is a circular stone-paved path that goes around a small garden.
 These statues were almost life sized.
The grounds were very small and seemed even smaller because much of it was overgrown. The building on the right appeared to be a meditation hall.

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