May 6, 2013

Nearing my goal

 This large building, actually a group of buildings, was my goal. This is called Mirikaroden Nakagawa. I  have no idea what the first word means. It is written in katakana so there are no kanji to help with the meaning. It is actually a culture center with a library, a gym, a swimming pool, a hall for concerts and shows, and a lot of small rooms for classes. This is where I will take my art classes and my goal for  the day is to sign up for the program.
 As I went down the hill, I notice a number of people, both men and woman, with farm tools, milling around a garden. In the distance, just above this picture, there was a parked bus. I assume that they came in it and are probably getting some sort of lessons in raising plants. A look in the local stores makes it obvious that gardening is very popular here. Many stores carry seeds, vegetables and flowers, as well as seedlings.
 This strange looking building was very long and appear to contain workshops of some kind and storage areas. It may be related to the large area of rice paddies and farm land that is nearby.
 This is the entrance to the gym, pool, and exercise rooms.
 As you can see the building is quite large. It is separated from the rest of the complex by a new road. In fact it appears that the whole complex is quite new. I will have to remember to ask when it was built.
This building contains the library, hall, and classrooms. The entrance is on the opposite side from the gym so I had to walk around the building and it was a long way.

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