Oct 3, 2013

A longish walk

 For the first time since my operation, I felt that I had the strength to walk for an hour or so. Also the temperature was only around 26 or 27 degrees Celsius which not bad for walking. I left home and walked in the opposite direction from the station. I walked by the back of the hospital where I get my medicine and a block later came to the white rail that marks the edge of the first of our two rivers. Actually it is quite narrow most of the time and would be better called a stream.
 The fall flowers were in full bloom so the view was very pleasant.
Along the right side of the river, er, stream, there is a paved walking path. At the place where I entered it, it was lined with flowers. This stream meets the main river a few kilometers down stream. I decided to walk to that point or stop earlier depending on how I felt and how the roads ran.

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