Feb 19, 2011

Out for exercise 07

 After passing the cake shop, you come to this place. I hesitate to call it a store but that is what it once was. Now, I am not sure what to call it. The sign on the wall says that it is named Nakanoya, which means Nakano's store, and that it sells rice, sake (meaning alcoholic beverages), cigarettes, salt, and food. However, you can see that the outside is lined with vending machines.
 This is a closer look at the front of the place. The door which is under the green awning is blocked so that you can  not enter. The only things that you can buy are in the vending machines - cigarettes, beer, sake (rice wine), and soft drinks. Everything else is gone.
 My side of the road was in the shade so the sidewalk was still covered with snow, actually, ice.
This small white building is a police station. Most of the time there is at least one cop inside, but on this day it was empty. They were probably out on patrol. The green wall on the right separates the police station from a gas station.

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