Feb 28, 2011

Walking back from the doctor's 02

 This is an athletic area, mainly for school competitions. The dome opens which explains the strange construction of the roof - part of it rotates. Inside the dome there are various facilities, restaurants, shops, facilities for various sports, etc. I have never been inside but I saw a TV program about the place.
 One of the reasons that we walked this way, a route we do not normally take, is that we wanted to stop at the store in the light brown building. The same TV show that had the bit about the dome also had a section on this store. It sells yuba, the skin that forms on the top of the pot when they make tofu. The store is a bit far to just go there to shop, but stopping on the way home is convenient.
 They don't have much of a variety. Only the stuff of the top shelf is for sale. The white things are simply yuba in different packages. The darker items at the far end are little bags made of yuba and tied with something edible that contain various things. We bought some plain yuba and six of the little bags, two each containing chicken, vegetables and scallops. They are eaten with soy sauce.
Getting closer to home, we passed a large hospital in the middle of some rice paddies. About six years ago I had a very bad bladder stone attack. Masayo took me there in our car, extremely painful trip, and they would not accept me. It was early morning and they said that they only had enough staff to handle a case that was on the way in an ambulance. We went home, again bouncing in the car was extremely painful, and called the city ambulance. They came and radioed around to find a hospital for me. It turned out to be a very good one. Now if I ever have another attack, I can go to that hospital because I am their patient.

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