Sep 8, 2011

Still walking but in the housing area south of Nanakita River

 Some very pretty flowers spilling over a concrete wall. I do not know the name of this plant but you often find both in gardens and wild. I do not even know if it is native to this area. Maybe the wild ones are merely escapees. However, I do like them very much.
This is a typical little shopping center. This one seems to have three shops, a restaurant, a dry cleaners, and a beauty shop. If there were a fourth shop, it would probably be a liquor store. The stores are all on the first floor and the second floor contains apartments.
The last time I came by here, maybe last fall, this was woods. It appears that they are building something large. Guess is that it will be a bunch of one family houses.
Turning slightly to my right after taking the last picture, I found a rice paddy that is nearly ready for harvesting.
Another 50 meters, and I came back to Nanakita River. This is facing west and is still pretty empty. To the east of the bridge is the large park and both to the north and to the south there is a lot of housing.

This is the view to the east from the same spot. Although it looks almost as wild, it is the park with its many paths.

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