Jul 18, 2010

Thursday mornings at Miyagi Gakuin University 02

After walking in the entrance to the Yaotome subway station and going up a flight of stairs (the last couple of steps are visible in the picture), you enter a long hallway. The fence like objects on the right separate the entrance from the area inside the wickets, the area you enter after you pay for a ticket.At the far end, actually right in front of the stairs coming in from the bus depot (in an earlier picture) is a row of ticket machines. They are toward the right in the picture. You can buy a ticket to a specific station or you can buy a prepaid card from which the fare is deducted when you exit the subway. I used to sue prepaid cards with an initial value of 5,500 yen for which I paid 5,000 yen. Now, because I am 70, I have a card that allows me free use of the subway and buses. I paid 5,000 yen for a year. The rumor is that, because of the economy, we will have to pay 10,000 yen and there will be a 100,000 yen limit on the card.

On the extreme right in the picture, you can see a young lady going through the wickets. On the left, there is a rack of free publications, mostly magazine containing help wanted ads and ads for restaurants and stores. Above the rack, is an electronic board show the arrivals and departures of the buses.
Here is a better picture of the wickets and the station office beyond them. There are usually two people in the office but you do not see them unless you have a problem at the wickets or you go over and knock on the window.
The next picture is the platform at the head of the stairs. There is an escalator and a flight of stairs. At the other end of the platform, there are stairs but no escalator. In the middle there is an elevator. Usually there is some sort of music playing, but on this day I did not hear any.

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