Jul 19, 2010

Thursday mornings at Miyagi Gakuin University 03

The Yaotome subway station is above ground and the platform is surrounded by windows, so there is an excellent view of the street that I followed to get here. To reach my condo, you walk to the point where the road disappears, the high point of the bridge and then take the next right along the riverside.The train arrived and I traveled to the second station, Asahigaoka, where I got off. You can see that my train was fairly crowded. The escalator and stairs are on the right.
At the top of the stairs there is a long hall. The left side is just a wall but the right side has windows that look out into Shinrin Koen, the park where Ian and I often walk on Wednesday mornings.
Asahigaoka station is larger has more people passing through it so there are more ticket machines .

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