Aug 18, 2012

At Zen'oji

 The entrance stairs to the temple, Zen'oji, were fairly impressive. I liked the combination of the modern stairs with the old stone structure on the right.
 Reaching the top of the stairs, I looked to my left and saw the Hanazono Kaikan, a large hall associated with the temple.
 There was a large display of bonzai, trees that by proper trimming and cutting of the roots stay small but take on the characteristics of older trees. Many bonzai are a hundred or more years old.
 I found this really pretty flower growing in a pot. I think that it is a kind of hazu, the lotus that was used in one of the Buddha's metaphors. Here is a short version of the metaphor that I found on line at I should probably point out that there is a problem with this translation(?) because Buddha did not believe in souls, so it should really be something like "the essence of the person".

The Lotus rises through the murky waters of ponds and lakes yet when it blooms it floats upon the surface,its petals shining and untainted by the mud from which it emerged. The Lotus perfectly embodies the soul rising up through the murkiness of worldly experience until it reaches the surface of the Spiritual Realm and blooms vibrant and pure free from all taint and attachment.
You can see the same flower here. It is at the top a little to the right of center.

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