Aug 17, 2012

In a graveyard

 For some reason there were a lot of little statues in this graveyard. I assume that these represents guardians of children and that a child in the family died. As I understand the Japanese practice, after death a person is cremated and the ashes are either kept in an altar at home or placed in a Buddhist temple where you pay a small fee to have Buddhist services performed periodically. The gravestones do not contain any remains but are the residence of the spirits of the deceased. It is more than a little confusing, and apparently most Japanese do not think much about it. Buddhism says that we have no soul, but something of the person is supposed to remain. Many people think that there are ghosts around graveyards.
 Here is another of the statues. Both of these statues are holding children which is a huge clue as to their function.
 On the other side of the gravestones, there was a large building with a relatively huge door. I have no idea at all as to the purpose of the building or the door.
 Here is another of the statues.
 Here and there I found evidence of the earthquakes. Some families, who probably no longer live in the area, have not repaired the broken graves.
On my right as I exited the graveyard, something I hope that I can always do, I found a roofed structure containing a large bronze pot for burning incense. Beside it was a flight of stairs that obviously lead to the temple that I was searching for.

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