Aug 14, 2012

Out for another walk

 This is the entrance to a house that I pass on my way to Izumi Chuo. The house is nothing special, old post WW2 Japanese one-story building that is cold in the winter and hot in the summer. But I really do like the gate.
 I started out for a walk. I planned to walk to the bridge to Yaotome and then turn right and follow the river to the bridge on the ByPass road, cross that and then return home. The first thing I was as I walked along our side of the river was this man fishing.l
 These flowers were in full bloom and very intense.
 On the other side of the river, two men were getting ready to start fishing.
 Many of the houses on the other side were destroyed in the the earthquakes and were torn down. Now they are starting to build replacements.
 This is the foot path along the riverside. In this spot it is badly damaged and I expect that they will eventually repair it. All the deep cracks allow rain water to get inside the levee and weaken it.
 This is the place where they are reconstructing the riverbank. My apartment complex is in  the background.
A little further on, I came to a site where there used to be a tall apartment building. It was condemned and removed. If this was the usual type of condo, the owners will eventually rebuild the structure. At present there is still a shortage of labor and supplies, so reconstruction is slow.

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