Jan 6, 2012

Another trip to Miyagi Gakuin University

 On this crisp, windless morning the reflections of the buildings in the river were very attractive. In the distance, however, the weather was different. The mountains that should appear in the background are covered by low clouds.
 Those clouds soon arrived and the day turned rather blue. However, the sunlight did reach the Kannon on the hill.
 The next morning I looked out my living room window and found that world was now white, not blue.
 The view along the river was completely different, too.
 The red flowers were quite appealing with their little white caps.
 Near the bridge I found a spider web that had captured the snow. I am surprised that a spider is able to survive outside in these temperatures. I wonder what it finds to eat.
When I entered Miyagi Gakuin U, I found a film crew hard at work. I suspect that they were filming for some sort of new advertising for the university. Because of the drop in the number of high school graduates (the cause of the aging society), there are now more university seats than needed. This means that, although just about anyone who knows how to breathe can get into a school, the competition for the best students has sharpened tremendously.

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