Jan 26, 2012

Still going home

 I passed a medium sized hospital and found the parking lot to have a number of ambulances. This was not surprising but the ambulance on the left was. Have you ever seen an ambulance with windows like that? I was very tempted to enter the parking lot and look in the windows to see the inside. However, there was no gate and I would have had to walk around the block to get in, so I just took this picture.
 Parking is always a problem in the city. This apartment building uses the first two floor for parking, even the spaces between the outside pillars, which require the car to drive on the sidewalk to park.
 A few years ago we had gas stations everywhere, but soon there were too many and they ones making less profit soon started disappearing. Now, there are convenience stores everywhere. I think that the number has reached a peak because I have seen one or two that have recently closed.
 This is the train line between Sendai and Yamagata. It goes up over the mountains. As you can see, it is a one track line, dividing into two tracks only around stations. The Kita Sendai Station is about 100 meters behind me.
 This obviously was a house that was recently torn down, probably because of damage from the earthquakes. I was really surprised by the pinkish house in the middle. It appears to have two rooms, one making up the first floor and the other the second.
This is becoming typical of this area. One store is open and doing business, but the store next to it is closed and out of business.

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