Jan 28, 2012


 We finally had some snow, enough that the world turned white. This is the path that takes me from my front door to the riverside.
 This is the view along the top of the levee. Notice that the mountains have entirely disappeared.
 When I reached Asahigaoka station, I stepped out the back entrance to see what the park looked like.
 As I entered Miyagi Gakuin U, I noticed that the young lady in the statue had snow on her hat.
 The sky had cleared, although I was only about six kilometers away from my condo, and the quadrangle at school was quite pretty. Although it was early, the grounds staff had already cleared the campus sidewalks.
 On my way home in the late afternoon, the clouds had returned but the moon was bright.
Also I noticed that the red berries were beginning to turn yellow. The winter cold has finally arrived.

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