Sep 9, 2012


 Still going up the entrance stairs, I found this stone model of a temple, or maybe a shrine, off to the side.
 I also found this much more formal stupa at the side of the stairs.
 The craftsmanship was surprisingly detailed. The little drainage ditch at the side of the stairs was decorated with little round stones stuck into the concrete. Larger stones separated the drainage ditch from the stairs.
 At the top of the stairs, I could see the main building directly in front of me.
 This Bodhisattva was standing among the trees on the left side of the main building. There was also a smaller stele with a figure on it.
I also found this large stele, a bit taller than me. I could not read the inscription, or I should say I did not attempt to read it. Sometimes I can make sense out of them. Most of the time they contain an introduction with some historical information and then a list of people who donated funds to the temple.

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