Sep 11, 2012


 Rin'oji as a large garden that costs 300 yen to enter. Since I had never seen it I decided to go in, even though most of the flowers would already be past their prime. You enter through a short hallway in which you pay on a machine. Just inside the garden, I turned around and found the entrance to some sort of meeting or meditation room.
 Straight ahead was the garden proper and on my right was another large room. This one, however, had glass windows so that the garden would be visible from inside.
 This is what you would see if  you were inside looking out.
 In Japanese gardens many of the trees are supported so that they can grow into unusual shapes.
 The paths in traditional gardens, even in just the temple grounds, are often made so that you have to pay close attention to your feet as you walk, otherwise you will trip and possibly fall. This forces you into one of the basic Buddhist meditation, being completely in the present.
This little building was a pleasure to look at.

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