Oct 13, 2011

Still wandering around Dou'unji temple then going home

 This is a gate post that marks off a road into the main building from the main road that goes to the priest's living quarters.
 Some of the grave markers have fallen.
 More fallen markers at the opposite and of the group.  These are part of a large collection of old markers, engraved with the name of the deceased, that are at the bottom of the hill below the grave yard. By the way, graveyards are almost always located on the grounds of a temple, or maybe it is that graveyards have associated temples.
 Back out on the Sendai Bypass road, I discovered a sign which apparently indicates the distance to Tokyo.
 This canal, which forms part of the large and complicated drainage system, was almost full of small trees. Some time in the next few years a crew will come in and cut down or dig out all of these.
I never noticed before that beside the Bypass there is a large rice paddy.

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