Mar 20, 2011

Earthquake Diary 13

 After the sun went down on the day of the quake, this was the only light in our apartment. We were worried about the aftershocks knocking the candle over and starting a fire, so we but it a large pan of water.
 On the morning after the quake, I went out again. This is our admin building. The sidewalk used to come up to the bricks.
 I went out onto the top of the levee along our river and found the crack in the paved path had split wider open. It has cracked during the big earthquake five or six years ago, but the crack was no wider and continued all the way across the path.
 I explored the nearby housing area and found lots of places like this. The pavement was cracked and moved.
 This concrete wall have shifted. Apparently the ground at the ends had moved in opposite directions.
 A lot of the roads had cracks like this were one side had either sunk or had moved horizontally.
 This is the steps at the front of the admin building.
I went over to Seiyu, our next door supermarket where I buy the donuts, and found the same phenomenon as around our building. The movement of the building had moved the ground around it and destroyed the pavement or the bricks.

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