Mar 29, 2011

Earthquake Diary 39

 This is the 7 /11 that is near my apartment. After going to Izumi Chuo in the morning, I came here in the afternoon. There was a sign on the door saying that they would open at 2. p.m. I waited in line for an hour and a half and managed to buy one small loaf of bread, nothing else, just a loaf of bread.
 Because all the industry in the area (six prefectures) is shut down, the air is extremely clear, giving us an extraordinary view of the mountains to the west. It just goes to show that there is some good in everything.
 Izumi Chuo has two large supermarkets - Ito Yokado and Selva. As I have shown, Ito Yokado open very quickly after the quake, first outdoors and then inside the main entrance. Selva had not opened. But now, they took over the space under the second floor of the parking lot and opened a market. My wife and I stood in line to buy fresh vegetables and whatever else we could get.
 Still in line. It goes to the left and the turns and then turns again before entering the market area.
 The dark blob on the right is the line that I was in and in the distance you can see the line of people waiting to get into Ito Yokado.
 Getting closer to the entrance.
 The first store sold Japanese manju (cake with bean paste inside) and some other Japanese treats - balls made of mushed up rice and covered with bean or sesame paste. This was our first stop when were finally able to enter.
This is the people rushing around inside, trying to get what they wanted before it sold out.

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